I really admire teammates who… cover image
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xxxxx xxxxxx

I really admire teammates who are…

I think the world needs less robots & rigidity and more authenticity & openness.

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xxxxx xxxxxx

My happy place

xxxxx xxxxxx's happy place

My #1 fan

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xxxxx xxxxxx

The best environment for me is:

time for deep work in the AMdeep work time slots only

I love diving into projects first thing in the morning. Anything to avoid the 2 p.m. slump!

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xxxxx xxxxxx

I learn best by…

doing it

Making mistakes or trying something before I was perfect at it used to TERRIFY me, but now I know that jumping in & getting my hands dirty is the best way I learn.

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xxxxx xxxxxx

Me when sh*t hits the fan

xxxxx xxxxxx when sh*t hits the fan

Internally - this is me almost 24/7, especially in chaos 🔥

Motivations cover image
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xxxxx xxxxxx

Things that deeply motivate me…

Making money💰Helping others ❤️Work to make the 🌎 a better placeBeing my most authentic self 🎨

I want my career to make a difference & positive impact (while, you know, also paying my bills)

How to make my day cover image
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xxxxx xxxxxx

You will make my freakin day if you…

a dank MEMEsend me pet pics jam with meshare an idea

Or, better yet, tell me there's a dog (or kitten!) in the office and let me get my puppy snuggles in 🐶🐱

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xxxxx xxxxxx

I like to get feedback when its given…

in the moment1:1with kindnesswith contextwith examples
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xxxxx xxxxxx

I'm energized at work by…

getting sh*t done.solving problemsjam sessions
Values cover image
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xxxxx xxxxxx

My core values

AuthenticityBalanceCommunityCreativityFairnessHonestyHumorLearningMeaningful WorkOpenness