Roshni Deshpande
I'm a student of psychology and because education is eye-wateringly expensive, I've been putting my creative brain to use by working as a freelance copywriter to help pay the bills. Here's the thing- to me, writing isn't simply an art; it's also a science. Sure, there's dollops of creativity and wildly imaginative elements to it, but- there's also cold, hard logic and facts. You might be pulling at people's heartstrings with your pretty words, but that won't do anything unless you back it up with scientifically tested research. Copywriting in particular is a fantastic testament to this: the best copy combines evocative, emotionally-charged language that appeals to the heart; along with whip smart sales psychology that resonates with the brain. Think of it as a culinary concoction; a cup of persuasion, a splash of nostalgia, topped off with statistics and sprinkled with feel-good, touchy feely vibes. This is essentially a multi-pronged approach of sorts that changes a person's thought process from 'Hmmm, do I really need to buy that?' to 'SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!' You see what I'm getting at? So as a copywriter, I want to make that happen. I want to write the words that whisper 'treat yo'self' into a customer's ears, and get them to pull out their wallets. And yeah, it'd be nice to make people smile and all that. But let's be realistic. We're all in this for the money, ain't we? :)