Rose Garay
😬😧🥴 Recently went outside my comfort zone…
Public speaking + presenting
Full storyRose Garay
When I'm stressed, you might notice me…
Not taking care of myself (working too much, not taking lunch breaks, etc.)
Offer to talk! sometimes perspective-shifting is all that's needed
Full storyRose Garay
Things I'd love to learn
- Data viz in general - UX research - Post-colonial studies
Full storyRose Garay
Best way to get me excited about something
Explain your thought process & reasoning for the excitement!
Full storyRose Garay
The best environment for me is:
time for deep work in the AMno swiss cheese calendardeep work time slots onlylots of in person collab
Full storyRose Garay
I like to get feedback when its given…
in the moment1:1slack/email okwith kindnesswith contextwith examples
Full storyRose Garay
You will make my freakin day if you…
private praise / thank you!slack shoutouta dank MEMEsend me pet pics share an idea
Full storyRose Garay
My biggest fear
Being worthless or not valuedHaving no meaning or being insignificant and mundaneBeing without support or security, or being abandoned
Full storyRose Garay
My areas for growth
Invests and is interested in personal and professional growthMaintains clear long term vision that drives decision makingMakes decisions promptly, even with uncertainty
Full storyRose Garay
My superpowers
Collaborates effectively with teammatesCreates warm, caring relationships with teammatesPrioritizes common good over self-interestStays true to own values with integrityMotivated by making community/world impact
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