I really admire teammates who are…
Transparent. Collaboration can be easy when we are on the same page, or difficult when we aren't. Understanding what your goals are and what we are looking to accomplish makes the work experience better for me.
Not afraid to have opposing view points. At the end of the day I want to come up with the best solution for our customers, and don't care whose idea that creates the best solution. If we are on the same page, great but I tend to respect people more who provide an alternative approach.
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The best environment for me is:
I'll explain because my responses were confusing. I value having time to work, like hours to actually work. Its very hard to focus when I have meetings back to back or small windows in between meetings
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I'm energized at work by…
My energy comes from new hires. I value being apart of their first day at the company and preparing them to do some of their best work. Additionally, I get energy by seeing shifts in data and seeing opportunities to uplevel the new hire experience.
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Best way to get me excited about something
If you're excited about something I will instantly be just as excited! I like seeing people excited.
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How I relax
It looks so different depending on the day and what I'm going through, but Spa Days, Naps, concerts and attending live music normally does the trick, and when it gets really bad, its time to take a VACATION!!!!!
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Things I'd love to learn
I would love to learn how to build gamified facilitated and async trainings. It could be a great way to marry my superpowers of facilitation and creativity. Eventually I would also enjoy learning how to use data to tell a compelling story. That's a skill that I highly covet.
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I like to get feedback when its given…
I'm pretty flexible with how I receive feedback. Whether it is in the moment or at a later date like a performance review doesn't matter. I'm always looking to improve professionally and personally, I still have a ton of growth to do and excited to be on the journey of being 1% better everyday!
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My areas for growth

Favorite work memory

We had so much fun later this day. We celebrated everything at Twilio including the badge balls birthday. I was working at the front desk at the time and before someone would leave we would ask them to add their sticker to our ball. 54 pounds later there we were.
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You will make my freakin day if you…
I enjoy laughing! Work can be stressful and just taking a moment to laugh at something can lighten the day
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