My happy place

My family place in the countryside in South Portugal. I grew up in this place, so whenever I come back, I always take the opportunity to reflect on life and my personal growth.
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I'm energized at work by…
I get easily bored by a very strict routine. In my day-to-day, I get energized by mixing in-depth tasks with more pragmatic ones; I like to work from different places (as long as they're quiet); I need focus time and collaboration time.
Productive 1:1s or meetings targeting a specific project (could be in person or remotely) are the ones that work best for me—they help me get my ideas clear and keep my focus on what I'm doing.

My workplace

The view from the new office in Lisbon. Not bad, huh?! 👌👌👌 Loving the quietness to help me focus, too.
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My areas for growth

I really admire teammates who are…
Hard-working, willing to share their knowledge, upfront and empowering!
Creativity is always a plus 🌱
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Things I'd love to learn
French, Gardening & Botany, Brand Marketing and improve my Yoga skills.
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How I relax
Swim in the ocean, gardening, dancing, alone time w/ my favorite music on.
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My core values

I work best as a…

Things that deeply motivate me…

You will make my freakin day if you…

Fulfilling project
The greatest lesson of working as a videographer was having the opportunity to develop a relationship with the people I was filming. Particularly in more documentary projects where I'd spend more time with the people portrayed, I often felt that I had privileged access to people's inner lives, and that exchange was very fulfilling. I remember a specific project where I was filming in a center for people with intellectual disabilities for a week. What seemed like a great communication challenge at the beginning—it's difficult to free ourselves from prejudices and try to understand a person with experiences that are so different from your own—ended up being a life lesson. After that week, I was able to understand their struggles a lot better, their strengths, and their potential.
If there’s openness and kindness, you can connect to any human being.
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Epic work fails
I was flying a drone while filming an advertisement and lost control of it—the drone first crashed into a tree and then into someone passing by. All this happened in front of my boss. In my defense, the drone lost communication because of interference with a military control tower. 🫠🔫
The drone survived.
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