My Achilles Heel is…
The desire to buy something new.
Whether it's a guitar, record, car, house -- once I have my mind lazered in on something, I struggle to focus on ALL other things. lol
Full story😬😧🥴 Recently went outside my comfort zone…
Much of today.
The unknown. Doing things for the first excites and energizes me, but I also stress such things big time. I'll often over-prepare to manage that stress. Then I realize it was no big deal -- but it's my process.
Full storyWhen I'm stressed, you might notice me…
Quiet down, stop smiling, be a bit more touchy. It's usually quite obvious.
Full storyEpic work fails
I once misspelled a pseudo-celebrity's name on the cover of a magazine.
That there is no such thing as enough eyes on a proof. If someone volunteers to proof/edit, let them. They might save your tail. Also, if they don't volunteer, beg, pay bribe. Get the extra eyes. EVEN IF THEY'RE NOT PROOFERS -- because non-editors might notice things you overlook.
Full storyTeammates might misunderstand me as...
Not caring or listening. Not having "our" best interest at heart.
Full storyHow I relax
When I'm at work, I don't slow down all day. When I'm off, I barely move.
Records, feet up, a dog to scratch. Occasionally a stiff drink or cigar, but not toooo often.
Full storyThe best environment for me is:
I start my day early (like 630-730) because I get more done then. I'd rather have my meetings in a clump than spread out with small unproductive holes in between. 5 minutes though is wonderful, otherwise I occasionally fib to take care of, um, "necessities."
Full storyMe when sh*t hits the fan
I am ABSOLUTELY the guy doing math on a scratch pad to figure out the best way to get things done and hit the numbers.
Full storyOutside of work, you'll find me...
Ideally, all of those in a row.
Full storyI'm energized at work by…
The first point is my favorite. I have a group of colleagues I've collected over the years who are "Get S#&^ Done" people and it's my favorite kind of person. Someone not afraid to roll up their sleeves and dive in. And jam sessions, obviously :)
Full storyI like to get feedback when its given…
This is how I prefer to receive feedback, and it's generally how I try my best to give it. Obviously, exceptions exist, but as a rule ...
Full storyMy core values
Authenticity is something I believe in strongly. I'm very much a "what you see is what you get" kind of person. I mean, I have a handlebar mustache, which should tell you I don't really care if people think i look goofy!
Full storyMy areas for growth
I have a tendency to reflect on issues a bit before responding with an answer. I'm trying to get better at decisions on the fly. Also, I can get overwhelmed in tense situations. If I ever just have to bow out, it's likely because I need to collect myself and return with a fresh mindset. Bad news can lead to overreaction sometimes -- this is something I've made good strides on. It's like there's a period of initial panic I need to move beyond before I can think constructively. This is rare, but when the pressure is excessively high, it can be a thing. Also, as to point 3, I hold myself to a high standard -- and don't have a lot of space for just going through the motions. I feel like I should always be at my best, and when I'm not or when I fail, I get frustrated. Odds are, if I'm not performing up to par and you notice, I'm already beating myself up over it. lol
Full storyMy superpowers
I spent a lot of the early years of my career trying to be the person I thought others wanted to see in me to get the recognition I believed I deserved. A few years back, that just kind of changed. I now show up as who I am to everywhere I go. I try to look professional for the necessary moments, but for the most part, if you see me in a collar, I decided that felt right today. Same can be said for a rock n roll tshirt. I still crave recognition for a job well done, but I don't let that need drive my decisions or mood (when I can help it.) I try to always see the big picture. I like to identify clear and straightforward goal and then deduce what needs to happen to make it a reality. Also, I am always ready to talk through a problem, preferably in private. I loathe people making a public spectacle about an issue we could handle like grown ups over a cold beer and chicken wings.
Full story