How I relax
Mobile phone switched off, sports , watching trash tv
Going to football games
Full storyMy Achilles Heel is…
Multi-tasking including following twitter. Brings me huge headaches
Disrupt me and tell me to focus
Full storyTeammates might misunderstand me as...
Harsh and too direct
I have very robust opinion and willingness to fight them through
Full storyThings I'd love to learn
I want learn better product management
To create a cooler product
Full storyTeammates hope to see Christian grow in…
1) Vision / Mission: You are the founder, you need to give the team a purpose why we do what we do and why we (should) stand behind the company. This will connect us all deeper and will give us more reasons for high-performance. 2) Empathy: Sometimes I think it would help if you show a bit more empathy because the team looks up to you and I know you care about us/the team - you just rarely show it. In some situations it would help if you could show it a bit more, e.g. farewells of ex-team members. Just a nice slack message, thats it.
Full storyMy superpowers
My biggest fear
Facing problems they may lead to very bad outcomes scare sometimes (depending on the mood) the shit out of me
Full storyThe best environment for me is:
I need frequent stimuli
Full storyI like to get feedback when its given…
Give me your honest and straight feedback right away - I really appreciate it and can take it :)
Full storyMy core values
I am an entrepreneur at heart and believe that hard work will pay off. I respect people a lot that work their way up, really try to understand the underlying problems they are facing and cannot be fed up with easy answers.
Full storyI learn best by…
Structure the problem and drill to the core
Full storyYou will make my freakin day if you…
Be proactive and live team spirit
Full storyPeople who have impacted how I see the 🌍
Why liberty and personal freedom is important
Full story