Work Check-ins

Work progress updates without stand-up meetings

Check-in on team goals, progress, work wins, and more. 🎯📈🏅
A set of card Takes from the culture platform Candor showcasing team check-ins. These are team responses to prompts like "What are you focusing on?" and "What are you eating or craving lately?".
Status updates without the meeting

Leverage work check-ins to replace status update meetings, keeping your team focused and aligned.

Track progress over time

Move out of your messy tracking docs and use Candor's neat dashboards to stay organized and track progress.

Integrate check-ins into your culture

Candor integrates with Slack to bring timely updates to where you already do your best work.

How check-ins work

Weekly reminder for work check-ins on the platform Candor
Step 1: Get a weekly reminder when it’s time for your work check-in.
Prompts for teammates to answer during work check-ins, like upcoming goals
Step 2: Complete the required work check-in prompts and any additional ones you’d like to share.
Display of work check-ins, showing teammates answering prompts for upcoming goals and more.
Step 3: Review team responses to stay aligned quickly and async.
Book a Demo

Work check-ins frequently asked questions

What’s the purpose of work check-ins?
How often should I schedule work check-ins with my team?
What’s the difference between work check-ins and personal check-ins?
What are some examples of work check-in prompts?

Looking for more info?

Send us a message. We're here to help.
Hey, Candor! 👋

Work check-ins glossary of key terms

Additional Resources

Guide to Work Check-ins on Candor
The complete guide to using our Work Check-ins feature.
Check-In Questions
Read about the top 10 work check-in questions to implement with your team to make sure you stay on track.

Async check-ins kept simple

A screen displaying work check-ins on the platform Candor.Prompts from work check-ins on CandorPrompts from work check-ins on CandorPrompts from work check-ins on Candor
know your work