Am I lucky?
The prompt cracked me up, because I really have been shit on by birds A LOT!! Like, in the face, mouth open. But, overall I'm fortunate - I've had a lot of health issues in my life: I had leukemia as a kid, then an autoimmune disorder, which led to lots of broken bones and other health issues, but I've always come through just fine! I've broken my back twice but can still do a back bend and go backpacking, so I consider that pretty darned lucky.
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Epic work fails
Just yesterday, I didn't give Bob the correct newsletter link.
I realized it while driving to SC, and fortunately, I was able to run a hotspot and get the correct link over to him. I learned I need to be more careful and thoughtful!
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Most fulfilling project I've worked on
Raising graduation rates for Miami-Dade public schools
It's difficult to choose one project, but this one stands out. During the pandemic, while working for MasteryPrep, I had the honor of being a project manager for a big test-prep project for Miami-Dade public schools. Because of covid restrictions and virtual learning, over 60% of their seniors were not on track to graduate. We sold a huge test prep package to them, but I spearheaded the actual implementation. Overall, the project was a success and their graduation rate jumped to over 90%.
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Best way to get me excited about something
If it's going to make a difference in students' lives, I'm in!
I'm very easily excited. I love learning about all different sorts of things, and chances are if you're excited about something and you tell me about it, I'll be excited with you!
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How I relax
Bubble baths, dog snuggles, yin yoga, reading, cup of tea, or glass of wine
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Things I'd love to learn
Product management, effective UX writing, and brand positioning.
To be better at my job! And, it's pretty cool stuff. I'm also always learning more about herbalism and mycology. And, I've been working on my Spanish again. I completely lost all of it in the past 8 years of not using it (although I was by no means fluent before.)
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I really admire teammates who are…
Confident and concise. These are two things I'm working on.
Full storyWhat I'm like at work
I think I'm generally a pretty easy-going but hard-working person. I'm also very imaginative and creative but also analytical and have a sharp eye for details. I'm working on being more organized - I'm generally an organized person but I need to improve my work organization.
Full storyMy biggest fear
I would say this is my biggest "work fear." Although, in general, my philosophy in life oscillates between believing we're all important and have great work to do and that we're all pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of the universe.
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You can ask me about
I'm really not an expert on mycology, but I know more than is average, so I often get pictures of mushrooms from folks saying, "what is this?" or "Can I eat it?" (The answer is usually no, you shouldn't eat it if you aren't 100% sure.) I'm great at proofreading and finding grammatical errors. (The English teacher never went away!) I also have a meditation certification and love to talk about mindfulness, metacognition, or anything along those lines.
Full storyMe when sh*t hits the fan

My husband says I thrive in chaos. I disagree - I do appreciate order and direction, but I do get a kick of adrenaline and spring into action when there's a crisis or lots of problems to solve at once.
Full storyOutside of work, you'll find me...
I practice yoga and mindfulness meditation. I love to cook. I love to do anything creative and artsy, but I'm not very good at it.
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Personality type
I had to look it up because I couldn't remember. I'm definitely extroverted and here's what 16 personalities says: "Protagonists are born leaders, which explains why these personalities can be found among many notable politicians, coaches, and teachers. Their passion and charisma allow them to inspire others not just in their careers but in every arena of their lives, including their relationships. Few things bring Protagonists a deeper sense of joy and fulfillment than guiding friends and loved ones to grow into their best selves." Which is pretty spot on. I love inspiring others to be their best selves. Helping others and being part of a mission to make the world a better place energizes me.
Full storyI like to get feedback when its given…
I have so much room to grow, so I'm very open to feedback. I like to distinguish between feedback and feedforward and welcome both!
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My superpowers
I love to challenge myself, and I love to work together with a team to do things that seem daunting and difficult. I believe we're all smarter and stronger than we often think and together, we can make big changes.
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My workplace
Setting myself up in the morning is helpful for me to have a productive day. I like to wake up early, meditate, practice yoga, have a nice brekky and coffee, take my dogs out for a walk, and organize my work for the day. I still keep an old-school planner on my desk and write down my tasks and goals for the day.
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Things that deeply motivate me…
It's really important to me that the work I do aligns with my values. I'm a fierce optimist and believe we all matter and all have important work to do. I feel motivated when I'm working on a project that I know is going to make a positive change in the world, and I'm most motivated when I'm working together with a team.
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You will make my freakin day if you…
One of the strengths that come naturally to me is being a good listener, and I love solving problems. I also really like doing things for others, so I always welcome sharing in problems and ideas!
Full storyI work best as a…
The best environment for me is:
I'm energized at work by…