Proud moment
Last week at my performance review.
I am proud of how far my journey has taken me. Working together with my TL and teammates to achieve our objectives is very rewarding.
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Most fulfilling project I've worked on
Working on my own home.
It’s very rewarding making something look better in a way you love.
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Something that drives me crazy 😵💫 🤬
Being late. If I am late my whole day will be thrown off.
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Best way to get me excited about something
I really like competing with myself.
If I beat my last week self then I know where I am growing. Progression in a forward direction excites me.
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I really admire teammates who are…
compassionate and honest.
It is wonderful to be understood by someone you can trust!
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How I relax
Golf, Hot Tea, Tai Chi, Mahjong with the Ladies.
Playing and going on walks with my two little pups Dudley and Orville.
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When I'm stressed, you might notice me…
Stuttering, get quite humorous and make small mistakes.
Reassure me and give me clear direction.
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My Achilles Heel is…
I am sometimes a little to independent.
Gentle reminders that will give me an opportunity to speak up if I need anything.
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Things I'd love to learn
Emotional intelligence, communication skills, and all things golf.
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Epic work fails
Didn’t hang up, talked to my TL while customer was still on the line! 🤭
I learned to double check everything I do and how to effectively explain a mistake to my customer. He thought it was hilarious. Thank goodness!
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My happy place

Dudley in the back, will be two in December. Orville turned one November. These pups are so darling and have such a joy for life. It’s contagious.
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The best environment for me is:
I feel like I do my best work in the AM. I can adjust well to a schedule due to my appointment based career. I love the exploration of team co creation. Playing six different sports growing up, I love the idea of everyone WINNING!!! I love watching people succeed, myself included. 🙌🏻😁
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I like to get feedback when its given…
Feedback in all facets gives you different ways to grow.
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People who have impacted how I see the 🌍
His music speaks to my heart.
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What I'm like at work

My superpowers

Outside of work, you'll find me...

I learn best by…

You will make my freakin day if you…