AJ DeBacker’s user avatar on Candor
AJ DeBacker

My superpowers

Invests and is interested in personal and professional growthCreates warm, caring relationships with teammatesCollaborates effectively with teammatesPrioritizes common good over self-interestMaintains effective work life balance
AJ DeBacker’s user avatar on Candor
AJ DeBacker

Personality type

Enneagram Type 7


1  - Learner
2 - Activator
3 - Significance
4 - Arranger
5 - Command
6 - Restorative
7 - Analytical
8 - Ideation
9 - Strategic
10 - Relator 

AJ DeBacker’s user avatar on Candor
AJ DeBacker

I'm energized at work by…

building stuffsolving problemsNovel Problems/Tasks/Experiences
AJ DeBacker’s user avatar on Candor
AJ DeBacker

I like to get feedback when its given…


I would prefer to process feedback together in a private setting. 

I really admire teammates who… cover image
AJ DeBacker’s user avatar on Candor
AJ DeBacker

I really admire teammates who are…

AJ DeBacker’s user avatar on Candor
AJ DeBacker

Am I lucky?

I have a great family and friends. I have traveled the world. I am physically healthy enough to run long distances in nature. Most of those opportunities have had some portion of luck involved.

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AJ DeBacker

The best environment for me is:

time for deep work in the AMlots of in person collab

I am a people person and my strengths fit well with others.

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AJ DeBacker

Me when sh*t hits the fan

AJ DeBacker when sh*t hits the fan

I come alive when there is high pressure and immediate need. Mostly in my work, less so in emergency situations. I like being presented with an issue that needs to be addressed immediately.

Values cover image
AJ DeBacker’s user avatar on Candor
AJ DeBacker

My core values

AdventureChallengeLearningProblem Solving

I love to learn new things and use that learning in challenging situations to solve problems. I am also quite adventurous which often times creates opportunities to be challenged, learn and problem solve.

Motivations cover image
AJ DeBacker’s user avatar on Candor
AJ DeBacker

Things that deeply motivate me…

Learning as much as I can 🤓Having unique experiences ✨

My brain comes alive with novel experiences where I get to learn and apply previous learning to an urgent problem.

How to make my day cover image
AJ DeBacker’s user avatar on Candor
AJ DeBacker

You will make my freakin day if you…

slack shoutout

I am always grateful when people recognize my specific strengths and how I may have used them to help solve a problem.

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AJ DeBacker

I learn best by…

pairing with a teammate
AJ DeBacker’s user avatar on Candor
AJ DeBacker

What I'm like at work

ConfidentEncouragingHard WorkingAnalytical
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AJ DeBacker


Higher Education
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AJ DeBacker

I work best as a…

Strategist: I love managing projects. High-level strategy convos is where I show up best.
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AJ DeBacker

My biggest fear

Having no meaning or being insignificant and mundane